▶연구실소식 :: 연구실소개, 연구실소식, 회원소식을 공유하는 게시판입니다!


리슨투더시티가 오스트리아 비엔나의 MAK미술관에서 열리는 건축전 이스턴프로미스즈 에 참여합니다. 
저희는 이번에 자본주의의 속도에 대항하는 공간들에 대해 간단한 에세이를 쓰고 자료를 조사했는데요 
특히 농성장 건축 특징을 정리했습니다. 한글로도 좀 더 정교한 에세이를 발표할 예정입니다. ^^
그리고 감격스럽게도 이스탄불에서는 데이비드 하비 할아버지를 만날예정입니다. 고등어 케밥이라도 함께 먹으면서
세계도시의 불균형발전을 얘기해볼지 기대되네염 ㅎㅎㅎ 
잘 댕겨올께요 . 
Listen to the City is participating an architectural group show at MAK, Vienna, Austria
Private view on 3rd of June
exhibition period
4th of June - 6th of Oct 2013
Listen to the city provided essays about the Sit-in Protest architecture and 4 rivers restoration; the nature diaster
We'll make small booklet about Sit-in Protest architecture will be uploaded on the website for free download. Yo can read more at our web site.
스크린샷 2013-05-14 오전 10.18.53.png

Eastern Promises

WED, 05.06.2013–SUN, 06.10.2013



The promise of a pioneering architecture, which is especially associated with East Asian countries, is the focus of the exhibition EASTERN PROMISES. China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are currently seeing architectural and urban projects that amalgamate social awareness, ecological strategies and artistic practices in new ways. The reflection on local traditions and conditions as well as a critical awareness of global media technologies lead to an architectural approach that is less interested in iconic objects and spectacular forms than in a structural realignment of society in its spatial dimensions.
This development heralds the emergence of a social aesthetic of architecture in the East Asian cultural sphere whose strategies and tactics could prove decisive for the way we deal with dwindling resources on a global scale.
The exhibition features a great variety of architectural projects, including those by leading proponents of the contemporary Japanese scene and by independent Chinese offices which surfaced only since the late 1990s, but will also present a new generation of young, emerging architects whose work will be shown for the first time to the general public.
A graphic and photographic map additionally illuminates the relationship between architecture and everyday spatial practice and points to specific symptoms and phenomena within the region—from mass housing in South Korea’s major cities to illegal parasitic architectures in Taiwan, the influence of state architectural firms in China to forms of protest against social displacement processes in South Korea, China’s enclave-like urban villages to Japanese and Taiwanese convenience stores, the mass appeal of China’s new, creative districts to micro-urbanism and nomadic ways of life in Japan, along with new lifestyles in the devastated Tōhoku region.
A program of selected short films rounds off the exhibition with moments of experimental city viewing and everyday appropriation of (public) space.

Curated and designed by Andreas Fogarasi and Christian Teckert
Project Coordinator Marlies Wirth

Architectural Projects by
Amateur Architecture Studio/Wang Shu, Lu Wenyu
Atelier Deshaus
KUU architects
Li Xiaodong Atelier
Liu Jiakun Architects
NODE/Rem Koolhaas/Alain Fouraux
Ou Ning
Rural Urban Framework (RUF)
Scenic Architecture
TAO – Trace Architecture Office
Urbanus Architecture & Design
Vitamin Creative Space
Zheng Guogu
Architects Atelier Ryo Abe
Atelier Bow-Wow
CitySwitch Japan
dessence/Case-Real/Torafu Architects
Go Hasegawa & Associates
Jun Igarashi Architects
Kazunari Sakamoto
Kazuyo Sejima
Kumiko Inui
Ohno Laboratory
Riken Yamamoto
Ryūe Nishizawa
ryuji fujimura architects
Schemata Architects/Jo Nagasaka
Sou Fujimoto Architects
Terunobu Fujimori
Tezuka Architects
UID architects
3331 Arts Chiyoda
Mass Studies
Moongyu Choi + Ga.a architects
Studio K Works
Field Office Architects
Hsieh Ying-Chun
Marco Casagrande

Researches, images, maps, and artistic contributions by 
Alke Thamsen
Atelier Bow-Wow
Evan Chakroff
Haewon Shin
Iwan Baan
 Jun Jiang
Jürgen Krusche
Li Mo + CAStudio
Libbie D. Cohn / J.P. Sniadecki
MAP Office (Gutierrez + Portefaix)
Roan Ching-Yueh
Rural Urban Framework (RUF)
Studio Gruber
Susanne Klien
Wa Wa Project
Xin Gu
Michele Tabet
Film program curated by Andréa Picard

publication will be published in conjunction with the exhibition.

Kindly supported by



번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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89 [위클리 수유너머] 166호 <밀양 송전탑을 넘어> 발행했습니다~ 지안. 2013.10.17 1327
88 [위클리 수유너머 165호] 지난 일요일 위클리 수유너머 발행되었습니다. 지안. 2013.10.09 1529
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86 [위클리 수유너머 164호] 개편호 발행되었습니다~~ 지안. 2013.10.01 1603
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